1st Advisory Group (TAG) Meeting
May 28, 2019
Scaling Up Safer Birth Bundle Through Quality Improvement in Nepal (SUSTAIN)
- Formation of SUSTAIN TAG
- Brief introduction of Golden Community and SUSTAIN project
- Inform the members on the Terms of Reference (ToR)
2nd Advisory Group (TAG) Meeting
January 6, 2020
Scaling Up Safer Birth Bundle Through Quality Improvement in Nepal (SUSTAIN)
- Follow up on 1st TAG meeting
- Share the Video Clip of interviews on newborn health and acceptance of HBS manuals.
- Update on the progress of program
- Discussion and share on upcoming activities
- Presentation on SUSTAIN Application and Dashboard
3rd Advisory Group (TAG) Meeting
May 29, 2020
- Follow up on 2nd TAG meeting
- Update progress of “Scaling Up Safer Bundle Through Quality improvement Project (SUSTAIN)” Interim data coverage presentation.
- Share the challenges faced due to lockdown state after COVID-19 pandemic
- Show the interim data coverage on quality of care
- Discussion on upcoming activities and way forward.
4th Advisory Group (TAG) Meeting
May 21, 2020
- To update progress of “Scaling Up Safer Bundle Through Quality improvement Project (SUSTAIN)” and activities conducted under the project
- To update the interim data coverage on quality of care
- To discuss on the upcoming activities and way forward