- Technically support the government at the hospital and community level towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
- Support safe motherhood and women rights campaigns through technical and managerial services in antenatal checkups and free maternity services by skilled health providers in health institutions.
- Provide technical and managerial services to increase the use of family planning methods, increase family planning services coverage, decrease total fertility rate (TFR) and to assure the choice of family planning methods.
- Provide technical and managerial services to decrease under five age children mortality rateand to support CB-IMNCI, ICB-NCP in their activities:
- Research to scale up
- Support government programs to Improve nutritional status of pregnant, postnatal mother and under five age children through technical and managerial services.
- Provide technical and managerial services in HIV/AIDScounselling, diagnosis, treatment and care, routine follow up, supply, projection, quantity determination, purchase, storage, distribution, monitoring of medicine and test kit, communication process and analysis to implement effective program.
- Provide technical and managerial services in raising public awareness regarding water and sanitation (WASH).
- Provide counselling, technical and managerial services in corporation with local authority to conduct programs to make the woman and under privileged groups’ self-dependent which helps them for involving in inclusive and participatory community development.
- Assure the equal access to different faculties and level of education, make education helpful and relevant, bring positive social changes by providing technical and managerial services.
- Provide technical and managerial services in competitive agricultural production and businessto increase agriculture production, inclusive and balanced development, food protection and nutritious food consumption.