Essential Newborn Care (ENC Now!)
Essential Newborn Care Now! (ENC NOW!)
- Overview
- Objectives
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Golden Community in collaboration with the Government of Nepal (GoN) and University of Washington, Department of Paediatrics, School of Medicine, Washington for improving key quality improvement (QI) interventions including neonatal resuscitation to skilled health worker who will be in the forefront, providing maternal and neonatal quality of care services in tertiary level hospital, Paropakar
Maternity & Women’s Hospital, Kathmandu.
Set of quality interventions
- Orientation of ENC Now! to concerned stakeholders
- A three-day online ENC Now! training around the care of newborn.The main components are Helping Babies Breath integrated with Quality Improvement (QI) module, PDSA approach
- Plan Do Study Act meetings to solve the problems related to newborn and maternal services within the department
- Mentoring and Review meetings with stakeholders of Hospital
Specific objective of the project: Evaluating feasibility (sub-study I), adequacy (sub-study II) and effectiveness (sub-study III) of implementation of ENC Now! in Nepal.
Secondary objectives are:
- To facilitate in the formation and effective functioning of quality improvement bodies through varied forms of capacity building activities in different point of time.
- To reinforce evidence based improved health practices in hospital through output-oriented training and other interventions as extraction, clinical observation and review in regular quality improvement cycle with newborn and maternal indicators.
- To assess the feasibility of implementing in low resource setting, effectiveness and adequacy of implementation to improve health workers performance.
- To reinforce neonatal resuscitation skills of health workers through online training and quality improvement package to health care providers.