One day orientation program was held on 20th September 2022 at White house banquet, Pokhara, Kaski in collaboration with Center for Education and Human Resource Development (CEHRD), Sanothimi, Bhaktapur. Altogether 54 participants from five districts(Kaski, Tanahu, Syangja, Parbat and Baglung). The participants of the program were Deputy Secretary, ECD Section Officer, Program and Monitoring officer from CEHRD, Section officer’s from Ministry of Education, Gandaki province. Education Development and Coordination Unit(EDCU) chiefs from 5 Districts , Deputy Secretary from four of the municipalities and Education Officers from overall 26 Rural Municipalities/Municipalities/ Metropolitan City from the program coverage districts. Paediatricians from Pokhara Academy of Health Sciences (PoAHS) were also present in the program.
To orient on EN-REACH (Every Newborn – Reach up Early Education Intervention for All CHildren) to provincial, district and local level stakeholders.
The introduction of the organization was initiated by showcasing its departments and initiatives which was followed by a brief introduction to the EN-REACH program.
Hospital team of EN-SMILING project also participated in the program and shared their experience as well as continued support for those children through this program.
Roles of parent and teacher, health, nutrition, and holistic development of a child were discussed with stakeholders. The contribution of EN-REACH school readiness package was highlighted to prepare both parents and children for the school.