Nepal Govt. Reg. No.: 144333/072/073


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Training Of Trainers on Helping Babies Survive (HBS)

Training Of Trainers on Helping Babies Survive (HBS)

Helping Babies Survive (HBS) Training Package was developed by National Health Training Centre (NHTC) in collaboration with Nepal Paediatric Society (NEPAS) and Golden Community (GC). The package includes – Participant Handbook, Reference Manual and Trainer’s Guide. The training package is intended to be crucial in capacitating healthcare workers in the project hospitals for newborn care service delivery.

Based on the HBS training package, a four-day training program was developed incorporating care of newborns from birth until 28 days after birth. The components of package include – Essential Care of Every Newborn, Care of Small Babies, Helping Babies Breathe and Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) model. The TOT will be provided to key stakeholders working in the perinatal units within the project hospitals. The training will hone the competency of skilled health care workers who will then facilitate hospital-based trainings and spearhead related QI interventions within the hospital.

In this regard, first inter provincial training was held in Province 5, Nepalgunj with the presence of enthusiastic participants from Province 6 and Province 7.