Scaling Up Safer Birth Bundle Through Quality Improvement in Nepal (SUSTAIN)
- Overview
- Events
Golden community in collaboration with the Ministry of health and Population, Government of Nepal (GoN) and Uppsala University has scaled up a set of quality improvement interventions specific to improving intrapartum care aimed atreducing intrapartum related mortality (intrapartum stillbirth and neonatal death within first 24 hours of life) in Nepal.
SUSTAIN has been implemented in different public hospitals of Nepal: Koshi Hospital, Janakpur Hospital; Bharatpur Hospital; Lumbini Provincial Hospital; Bheri Hospital; Province hospital, Karnali; Seti Provincial Hospital and Dadeldhura Hospital. The programme is financially supported by Grand Challenges Canada, Canada and commodity grant supported by Laerdal Global Health, Norway for a period of two years from April,2019.

SUSTAIN package includes:
Set of quality interventions
Orientation of SUSTAIN and its components to concerned stakeholders
Bottleneck analysis around maternal and newborn care services
Plan Do Study Act meetings to solve the problems related to newborn and maternal services within the department
Progress boards with major newborn indicators
Daily Skill checks using advanced neonatalie (to maintain ventilation skills of health workers with Low Dose High Frequency approach)
Helping Babies Survive Training in partnership with National Health Training Center and Nepal Paediatric Society: A four-day training around the care of newborn. There are four components: Helping Babies Breathe,second edition; essential care for every newborn; essential care for small babies; PDSA model/meeting
Mentoring and Review meetings with stakeholders at provincial and central level.
Safer Birth Bundle
Moyo foetal heart rate monitor (shows real-time heart rate of foetus)
NeoBeat newborn heart rate meter (shows real-time heart rate of newborns at birth)
Advanced Neonatalie (automated feedback providing manikin during ventilation skill checks)
Upright resuscitator (maintains proper sealing of mask during ventilation)
Penguin suction (restricts deep suctioning and is portable)
- Tag Meetings
- Hospital-Level Refresher Training On “HELPING BABIES SURVIVE”, Province Hospital Surkhet
- Hospital-Level Refresher Training On “HELPING BABIES SURVIVE”, Provincial Hospital, Janakpurdham
- Hospital-Level Refresher Training On “HELPING BABIES SURVIVE,” Bheri Hospital, Nepalgunj
- Joint Monitoring Visit by Ministry of Social Development and Golden Community in Surkhet Provincial Hospital on Sustain
- Joint Monitoring Visit by Ministry of Social Development and Golden Community in Lumbini Provincial Hospital on Sustain
- Joint Monitoring Visit by Ministry of Social Development and Golden Community in Janakpur Provincial Hospital on Sustain
- Hospital-Level Training on Helping Babies Survive – Koshi Hospital, Biratnagar
- Hospital-Level Training on Helping Babies Survive – Dadeldhura Provincial Hospital
- Hospital-Level Orientation and Bottleneck Analysis – Dadeldhura Hospital
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